Saturday, December 28, 2019
Emerson and Thoreau - 831 Words
#8220;Dance to the beat of your own drummer:#8221; A piece of advice that I have been told my whole life, and have tried my hardest to follow. The words were taken from Thoreau#8217;s quote, #8220;If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.#8221; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau changed our lives. How? Well, the answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the relationship between the two. So let#8217;s begin with the relationship between Emerson and Thoreau. Emerson was born in 1803, into a family of ministers. He went to Harvard where he†¦show more content†¦... Thoreau was very much an activist. Whereas Emerson would simply write an essay on something that he felt strongly about, Thoreau would take it to the next level and participate. For example, in the anti-slavery movement. Emers on never took a stand on abolition; he never stated if he was for or against it. This angered Thoreau. Not only did Thoreau write several essay#8217;s on the subject, attacking it in the essay Slavery in Massachusetts, and defending the violent abolitionist John Brown, and his raid at Harpers Ferry in A Plea for Captain John Brown , but he was also an activist for abolitionist principles. Emerson tended to think things out in his head and write them down on paper, as opposed to Thoreau, who acted his feelings out. So how did Emerson and Thoreau change our lives? Without their pioneering essays on such subjects as #8220;Self-Reliance#8221; and #8220;Civil Disobedience#8221;, we might never be able to express ourselves without worries of fitting into the constraints and the conformity of our society. We might never be able to #8220;Dance to the beat of our ownShow MoreRelated Emerson and Thoreau791 Words  | 4 PagesWaldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau whole-heartedly embrac ed these principles. In their essays â€Å"Self-Reliance†and â€Å"Civil Disobedience†, Emerson and Thoreau, respectively, argue for individuality and personal expression in different manners. In â€Å"Self-Reliance†, Emerson calls for individuals to speak their minds and resist societal conformity, while in â€Å"Civil Disobedience†Thoreau urged Americans to publicly state their opinions in order to improve their own government. Both Thoreau and EmersonRead MoreThoreau and Emerson1674 Words  | 7 PagesTitle: Thoreau and Emerson In today’s society each individual has the ability to thinks for themselves, but the inception of different ideas and thoughts has led to a population that’s dominated by the majority . We live in a society where a media, television and internet are the sources of manipulating a person’s mind. It also creates their mindset to determine how one think about themselves or and different view point on topic. In this particular essay I am going to be talking about two mainRead MoreEssay on Emerson And Thoreau811 Words  | 4 Pagestried my hardest to follow. The words were taken from Thoreauamp;#8217;s quote, amp;#8220;If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau changed our lives. How? Well, the answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the relationship between the two. So letamp;#8217;sRead MoreThe True Transcendentalist: Thoreau and Emerson775 Words  | 3 Pagestranscendentalism began to start two people played a major role Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, but who is truly a transcendentalist. Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 25, 1803. His father was a minister as well as seven of his male family members. He graduated from Harvard University at the age of eighteen. Then he taught school with his brother William for three years. Which Emerson was unhappy teaching so he decided to go and change his life.Which wasRead MoreWakefulness: Thoreau, Whitman, and Emerson1532 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"To be awake means to be alive†, and to be awake during the time of Romanticism meant one could witness literature as an intellectual achievement. Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman were three authors during this time that wrote about an idea that would later become the theme of many papers, discussions and lectures, Wakefulness. 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A following of the heart rather than the mind. Also the setting apart from society. There are two who comes to mind; Thoreau and Emerson. Where Emerson and Thoreau were clear examples of Bright Romanticism exemplified by the inclusion of nature, a positive view of mankind, and a poetic style that broke traditional method. Ralph Waldo Emerson exemplified him being a clear examples of Bright Romanticism with his first inclusion of nature. An excerpt talking about theRead More Emerson and Thoreau Represent American Identity1511 Words  | 7 PagesCompare and contrast the way in which Emerson and Thoreau represent American Identity. â€Å"Identity means who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group which make them different from others,†(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Third Edition). Every individual, group and country has their own identity which makes them different from others and it shows uniqueness of oneself. Reaction against the existing philosophy takes place when there is conflict in interest amongst the philosophers
Friday, December 20, 2019
Queen Elizabeth The Last Tudor Monarch - 1409 Words
As the child of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth was the last Tudor monarch who ruled England from 1558-1603, or Elizabethan Era. Before her reign, England experienced wars and unemployment, leaving many citizens starving and jobless. There were also religious conflicts, mainly between Protestant and Catholic, because of previous monarchs changing religion very often. Due to these conflicts, Queen Elizabeth was compelled to devote her time in resolving economic and religious conflicts. Despite numerous problems in England at that time, the Queen also managed to engage in art including music and painting. Although Elizabeth experienced hardships during her childhood, her efforts in spreading art and establishing new ways of governing contributed in making her one of the most influential figures in both her time and in history. Queen Elizabeth, as a child, experienced scandals that threatened her position in the royal family which led to her pursuing the â€Å"perfect protestant woman†image so she can secure her way to the throne. Since the execution of her mother and Henry VIII’s death, she was driven out of her position in the kingdom and she was forced to live with the new queen Jane Seymour. Because Jane Seymour’s husband, Thomas Seymour, often teased young Elizabeth, members of the royal family started rumors about their relationship. As a result, Elizabeth wore Protestant clothes such as a plain black and white dress without any jewellery to demonstrate that she is pure and hadShow MoreRelatedA Royal Catfight: The Battle Between Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Mary Stuart1465 Words  | 6 PagesThe reign of Queen Elizabeth I was known as the Elizabethan Age. At this time, the Renaissance had spread to England. As a ruler, she was well educated, speaking about four different languages (Beck 963). However, it was not just her knowledge that made her into a popular monarch. Her personality helped her to become a successful politician as well. I n a documentary about Queen Elizabeth I, it was stated, â€Å"She was vain, spiteful, arrogant. She was frequently unjust, and she was often maddeninglyRead More Overview of the Monarchs of the Tudor Dynasty Essay1184 Words  | 5 Pagescome. The many King and Queens of England are divided into different eras by families. One of the families was the Tudor family, which is a well-known English monarchy. The Tudors were a family that ruled England from 1485 to 1603 whom ranged from Henry VII to Elizabeth I these rulers were well known because of different attributes they gave England. I will be providing information about all six rulers that reigned England in this distinctive dynasty. Each King or Queen will have information aboutRead MoreTaking a Look at Queen Elizabeth I570 Words  | 2 Pages She is the last Tudor monarch, and the only virgin queen in her bloodline. Elizabeth I of England was born on September 7, 1533 at Greenwich palace to Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. After her sister, Mary I, died on November 17, 1558, Elizabeth came back from her arrest to claim the throne. She is known for being a cunning and shrewd survivalist. Since birth, her life has been about surviving all the odds against her. As she fights her way to the top, the economy, the country’s culture, scienceRead MoreIn the Content of the Period 1485-1587, to What Extent Did the Northern Rebellion of 1569 Represent a Significant Threat to the Security of the Tudor State3198 Words  | 13 Pagessignificant threat to the security of the Tudor State? 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Against the pressures of parliament she maintained aut hority of the crown. She was able to transform England’sRead MoreQueen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England1626 Words  | 7 PagesQueen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England Sixteenth century England experienced a phenomenon sometimes referred to as the Age of Queens. The decisive power of the country was placed in women’s hands and their reigns were watched with a reasonable doubt. There is contrast of rule in terms of reigns between Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England, both of whom were engaged in a protracted struggle for the English throne. Beside the legitimacy of their claims, there are more significant considerationsRead MoreEssay on Queen Elizabeth I - Family, Religion, and Politics1479 Words  | 6 PagesBorn of a king whose most disappointing day was that of her birth, Elizabeth Tudor’s life seemed almost made for trials and controversy, both personally and politically. Although she had, at times, a horrible temper and a disagreeable personality, and suffered through many physical and psychological problems as an adult, Elizabeth proved to be one of the most remarkable monarchs in English history. Firstly, I will discuss Elizabeth’s family (including her many stepmothers), and then I will talkRead MoreThe Acts of Supremacy719 Words  | 3 PagesThe first Act of Supremacy was introduced by Henry VIII in 1534 during his rule of England. Later, when Elizabeth I came to the throne, the second Act of Supremacy was introduced to bring back the reforms that Mary had abolished. Both of these acts have many similarities but also some fundamental differences that helped indicate the type of ruler each monarch would be. Before discussing the differences it is important to first understand how the Act of Supremacy came about. Little is known aboutRead MoreEssay on Queen Elizabeth841 Words  | 4 PagesThe last queen of the Tudor dynasty, Queen Elizabeth I proved to be on of the most celebrated, and controversial leaders in English history. Raised in a neglectful home, and shadowed by her mothers reputation, Elizabeth did not have the royal treatment that her siblings received. From her birth, she was a disappointment, as a child she was intelligent, yet unnoticed, and the road to her 1558-1603 reign was troubled. Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1533. To the disappointment of King HenryRead MoreKings and Queens: The Tudors Essay1228 Words  | 5 PagesThe Tudors consisted of five kings and queens as well as Lady Jane Grey. The family line began when King Henry V passed away and his wife later on remarried a man named Owen Tudor. The Tudors were known as the most powerful, feared, and inspirational line of people to have lived during their time Owen Tudor, worked for the king within his courts as a Welsh owner, during the time of Owen’s marriage, Owen and the queen ended up having a son named Edward and it was said that he was to be the next in
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Hamlet and His Characteristics free essay sample
The classic Tragic Hero â€Å"A hero is a man who does what he can. †Romain Rolland What is a tragic hero? Are tragic heroes considered to have better qualities, and yet suffer from the many shortcomings of life? I believe that a classic tragic hero is a person that has many excellent qualities for a hero, and yet dies due to the mistakes that he makes. As Romain said, â€Å"A hero is a man who does what he can†and Hamlet is a perfect example on how he had to give up everything to commit to his revenge. This is why I believe Hamlet is the perfect classic tragic hero, because although he did not do anything that was wrong, he still suffered and died because of his characteristics. This is why I believe that the seven soliloquies of Hamlet, show the progression of his characteristics, and show the multiple qualities of a hero, thus making him a perfect example of a classic tragic hero. The first soliloquy in Hamlet (Act I, Scene II), talks about the suffering that Hamlet is going through as he realizes that his father is dead and his mother has married his uncle. But two months dead!  nay, not so much, not two: So excellent a king; that was, to this, Hyperion to a satyr;†(I. II. 137-140) Hamlet doesn’t get why his mother married so fast and gets extremely mad about that. He wonders if she even loved his father and this causes his to think about suicide, but back in the Elizabethan era, suicide was looked down upon, which is seen in Act I, Scene II, Line 132-133. â€Å"†¦His canon gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! †This is the only reason why Hamlet can’t kill himself. Hamlet felt that he was the only one that thought that this marriage was an unnatural and starts to dislikes Claudius. Back in the day, women were not allowed to marry after their husbands died, so when Gertrude marries Claudius, Hamlet feels that something weird was going on. â€Å"Would have mournd longer†¦dexterity to incestuous sheets! †(I. II. 151-157) I think that he felt that his mother only married Claudius so that she wasn’t alone at nights and so that she could still remain queen over Denmark. He also doesn’t think Claudius can compare to his dad and a beginning of hatred and disgust rises within Hamlet for both Gertrude and Claudius. The first soliloquy also shows the multiple good qualities that develop Hamlet as the play goes on. â€Å"It is not, nor it cannot come to good; But break my heart,  for I must hold my tongue! †(I. II. 158-159) This is the first main quality that Hamlet, he knows when to speak his mind and only talks about his true self with only people he trusts like Horatio, and yet that might be the reason he was able to kill Claudius in the end, it also the reason why Ophelia and Gertrude died too. Since Ophelia died because she felt that Hamlet didn’t love her the way she did to him. His mother thought that Hamlet was really mad, and tried to help him in many a way, one of them was to drink the cup that would promote Hamlets health but which was actually poisoned. This is how the first soliloquy helps in developing his characteristics while showing his true qualities. The second soliloquy(Act 1, Scene 5) in Hamlet which takes place in Act I, Scene V, which when the ghost of his father tells him that he was murdered, and how he was murdered and, who killed him. He doesn’t believe that his father was murdered by Claudius when he says, â€Å"O all you host of heaven! O earth! what else? And shall I couple hell? O, fie!  Hold, my heart ;†( I. V. 92-93) He never thought that Claudius would commit murder to get the throne of Denmark, and he understands why he and his mother married so fast. â€Å"O most pernicious woman! O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! †(I. V. 105-106) This is the beginning of his hatred towards Claudius, and this is also where he swears to the ghost to kill Claudius. Hamlet also feels confused when this unnatural act of nature happens. He knows that there is a chance that this ghost is either his father or the devil trying to make Hamlet commit a sin. This â€Å"ghost†also sparks a need to connect once again with his father as he continually keeps saying â€Å"Remember thee? †This shows that Hamlet misses his dad a lot, and is willing to do anything to allow King Hamlet rest in peace. This soliloquy furthermore brings out qualities in Hamlet that we have never seen faithfulness and also being honour bound. The perfect in this soliloquy that shows this is, â€Å"So, uncle, there you are. Now to my word; It is Adieu, adieu! emember me.  I have swornt. †(I. V. 111-112). Hamlet feels that unless he swears to the ghost, he won’t find the motivation to kill Claudius. This also shows that he was faithful to his father ghost, even though he knew there was a chance it was actually the devil trying to trick him into committing a sin. In the third Soliloquy (Act 2, Scene 2), is quite a lon g soliloquy as he realizes that both his mother and Claudius had sent his two best friends to spy on him, and betraying him. This is also the same soliloquy where he plans and prepares for Claudius’s downfall. This is where the story of Hamlet truly begins and the introduction to Hamlet’s inner feelings. This is the first time Hamlet actually tell the audience what he feels inside, and what he will plan to do in the future. This soliloquy also reveals his inner fear on whether the ghost was the devil, seen in line 585 to 590 in Act II, Scene II- â€Å"†¦ The spirit that I have seen May be the devil: and the devil hath power To assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps Out of my weakness and my melancholy,  As he is very potent with such spirits,  Abuses me to damn me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Hamlet starts to doubt if the ghost was even his father, and if this is the case he needs to get more proof that Claudius killed his father, and then realizes that the actors were his tools to catch Claudius. I think that Hamlet felt that if Claudius had a reaction to the play in a manner that was ‘weird’ it would he knew that the ghost had told the truth. This soliloquy furthermore shows how restless Hamlet is as he wants to complete his vow to the ghost and kill his uncle. This is seen, â€Å"Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words And fall a-cursing like a very drab†(II. II. 571-573). He is angry and impatient that something as easy as killing as a person is so tough. I think that Hamlet, at this point doesn’t want to use words, and instead thinks that actions is the only thing that will help get him to his goals. This is why he uses the actors to re-enact, â€Å"The murder of Gonzago†which was similar to how Claudius killed the King. The one main quality that I found in the soliloquy, and throughout the book, Hamlet, is the fact that he thinks logically and doesn’t try to rush into things too fast. An example in this soliloquy is, â€Å"†¦Ill have grounds, more relative than this. the plays the thing, Wherein Ill catch the conscience of the king†(II. II. 590-592). He thinks that the devil might be trying to fool him and he needed more proof that his uncle murdered King Hamlet. The fourth soliloquy (Act 3, Scene 1) is the most acknowledged soliloquy to the world, â€Å"To be or not to be†. This is where Hamle t talks about life and death, and although we know Hamlet is thinking about death, he says, â€Å"But that the dread of something after death, The undiscoverd country from whose bourn, No traveler returns, puzzles the will†(III. I. 78-80). This means that he is worried on what happens after he dies, and the fact that â€Å"afterlife†hasn’t been proven, he is scared to kill himself. At this point he starts arguing with himself on what happens after death and talks about the multiple trouble and pains of life. Then he realizes that since there is no proof that life after death exists, he might as well continue with his revenge. I believe that this soliloquy is also hints about whether he should continue with his revenge or not. This â€Å"indecision†within Hamlet is what causes the most amount of problems in the book, Hamlet, and with Hamlet himself. This soliloquy doesn’t particularly show any qualities within Hamlet, but one quality that I saw really made me realize how great Hamlet was, was the fact that no matter how he felt, he didn’t give up or deter from his path of revenge, making him a extremely faithful son to the king. The fifth soliloquy (Act 3, Scene 3) is before the play has its climax, before Hamlet talks to his mother and unknowingly kills Polonius. Hamlet is extremely mad with his mother, and wants to hurt her emotionally. He still thinks that she married Claudius so that her nights wouldn’t be lonely. He was so angry with her that he could have killed her, but he instead says, â€Å"Let me be cruel, not unnatural†(III. III. 379), which meant that he would be rude to her but, not commit a sin by killing her. â€Å"I will speak daggers to her, but use none†(III. III. 380). This meant that he felt that he needed to speak severely for what she did, but not physically hurt her. This soliloquy shows one main characteristic of a hero within Hamlet, which was not to harm women. Hamlet ad every right to physically hurt Gertrude for how she disgraced her gender, but he refrained from raising his hands as he felt as though it would be â€Å"unnatural†. The fact that he didn’t lose control till now, over what Gertrude did, shows how noble he is and how he still follows the rules of his era, even though his mother didn’t. This is my most favorite quality of Hamlet, and b ecause of this, Gertrude drank to his health, which caused her death. The sixth soliloquy is Act III, Scene III, lines 73-96 where Hamlet has a chance to kill his uncle, Claudius. As Hamlet enters the room, he sees Claudius â€Å"praying†and runs forwards to take his revenge. Eager Hamlet has a perfect chance to kill Claudius but then realizes that he would just send Claudius to heaven. â€Å"A villain kills my father; and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven. O, this is hire and salary, not revenge. †(III. III. 76-79) This soliloquy shows the eager and crazy side of Hamlet. After quite some time of planning, Hamlet finally sees an easy and quite way to kill Claudius but then like all other soliloquies, he over thinks about what might happen if he kills Claudius and postpones Claudius’s death. He thinks that he needs to catch and kill Claudius while he is committing a sin so that it guarantees that Claudius will go to hell. This soliloquy also shows the multiple good qualities within Hamlet, mainly, the quality of forgiveness and calculating. This is seen when he says, â€Å"As hell, whereto it goes. My mother stays This physic but prolongs thy sickly days. †(III. III95-96). This shows the forgiving nature of Hamlet as Claudius pretends to pray. Hamlet had every right to kill Claudius for his sins. Yet to make sure that Claudius went to hell, he made sure he killed him while Claudius was committing a sin. This is how the sixth soliloquy shows the characteristics and the qualities within Hamlet. The final and the seventh soliloquy is personally my most favorite soliloquy (Act IV, Scene V). This is the scene is where Fortinbras is talking with Hamlet and how steadfast he is on getting â€Å"revenge†on Denmark. He is annoyed when he realizes it takes so long for him to complete a simple plan, and decides to finish his revenge. We also see that he is quite unsure on what might happen, but is still honour bound to his oath, when he says, â€Å"When honours at the stake. How stand I, then, That have a father killed, a mother stained†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (IV. V. 56-57) He feels that Claudius deserves to die, even if it meant his own death. When he says, â€Å"To hide the slain? O, from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth! †(IV. V. 65-66). We see that he is preparing himself for what is about to come and know that he might lose his life too. The main quality of a hero that is seen in this soliloquy is courage and determination. Hamlet knows that he might die, and but he also knows that there is a chance that he will be able to kill Claudius. Hamlet feels that till now he was a coward and he needs to honour his father. He is so faithful to his father that he doesn’t care of the consequences that might occur. This is also the downfall of Hamlet’s as he does die in the end. The final soliloquy finalizes his inner feelings and commitments towards himself and his father and shows multiple qualities of a hero. This is why I believe that the seventh soliloquy is the strongest proof that Hamlet is indeed a tragic hero. Hamlet is quite the enigma as he keeps changing his mind about his commitments, but as the story continues we see that no matter what he faces, he continues to accomplish his duty to his father’s ghost. He is strong, philosophical, courageous, faithful, and quite the over-thinker, but overall has the perfect qualities to be called a tragic hero. In conclusion, I believe that the seven soliloquies of Hamlet, show the progression of his characteristics, and show the multiple qualities of a hero, thus making him a perfect example of a classic tragic hero. Works Cited BrainyQuote. Xplore, n. d. Web. 03 Nov. 2012. lt;http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/r/romain_rolland. htmlgt;. Hamlets Fifth Soliloquy Original Text and Summary. HubPages. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Nov. 2012. lt;http://hunbbel-meer. hubpages. com/hub/Hamlets-Fifth-Soliloquy-Original-Text-and-Summarygt;. Hamlets First Soliloquy (Act 1, Scene 2) Original Text amp; Summary. HubPages. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Nov.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Diversity and Organizational Communication
Question: Discuss about the Diversity and Organizational Communication. Answer: Introduction: Cultural diversity is known as a combination of societies consists of human within a region or in a world as a whole. It can also be called as multiculturalism in an organization. In the era of globalization there are many societies around the globe who has emerged and carry many differences known as cultural differences like traditions, language, caste, dress and the different to interact.(Bantz, 2000) Diversity can be known as value and make the people unique if they show mutual respect and appreciate the differences and the similarities like religion, gender, ethnicity, education, gender, experience and culture. When in an environment diversity is respected and members work as a team and always be united then it becomes easier for everyone to apply ones talent, experience and the skills in achieving the companys objective along with the competitive advantage, whatever a person wants to become is assisted by demographic characteristics. Cultural experiences and feelings of a partic ular group reflects ethnicity and it also acknowledges that individuals have their primary culture but different from others but they does not exclude the capacity to learn new cultural behaviors from other groups.(Eastman, 2001) Generally people are characterized or culturally determined by the race rather than genetically or biologically as it is the concept through which groups are divided into biological and physical characteristics.(Walck, 2003) Culture should be learned and basically individuals are born and there are one or two characteristics which are common like hair texture or the color but on this basis we cant develop the belief, values and the practices of the cultural group. Benefits and Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace: Cultural diversity impacts day to day life and making the workplace diverse is very common and gives benefits to both the employees as well as the employers. Diversity in the workplace can increase the opportunities in the market, improves business image and make the recruitment easy. Respecting individuals difference can increase the productivity although in the workplace associates are interdependent. Flexibility and the creativity leads to competitiveness so, diversity becomes critical in relation to the success of an organization. Diversity in work place affects the culture and the productivity in various ways:(Gunter, 2010) Diverse background individuals share their talents, experiences and the skills which assists each other in achieving the objectives. Working with the people who have different experiences, background and the working styles leads to the innovation and the creative concepts. Companys who want to expand their business over shores can easily interact on a global basis with a broader client base and make it more relatable. There are various challenges which companies have to face while managing a diverse population. In diverse culture we have to recognize the values of differences, discrimination, and promoting(Joseph. G. , 2004). Negative attitude and behaviors can also affect can act as a barrier as it may harm the relations between the employees along with their work productivity and the morale.(Astrid C., 2004). Managers may get challenges with losing the work productivity and the personnel. Companies should focus on embracing diversity as it may yield a greater productivity and the advantages. Effective people management is directly associated with managing diversity in the workplace. Negative attitude at the workplace may include stereotyping, discrimination and the prejudice which management has never used for retention, hiring and termination. Australias Cultural Diversity: There are many organisations continuously make efforts for making their organisation culturally diverse, the main problem is that when we discuss about the diversity people only think about the gender diversity but it includes various factors like genders, ages and the cultural background. Few organisations in Australia claim that they have diverse workforce in their organisation but generally they meet only one criterion that is related to age but when it comes to representation of gender but they fall short in that. It has been researched that two- third of the population has a two way process of integration in which migrants wilfully adapt Australia and through this community learn more about their customs and the heritage.(Craig, 2016) It has been surveyed that people support multiculturalism, ethnic communities but across all the demographics. They believe that their success is directly related to the culturally diverse and socially cohesive nations and shows adherence to the beliefs and the values in Australian society. They are committed in relation to the law, their parliamentary rules and provide equal opportunity in relation to religion, race and the mutual respect.(Tim., 2015) Due to these reasons more than 7.5 millions migrates to Australia and reason being multiculturalism has become a great success. As a business they are committed for the high performance and provide equal opportunity to prove performance. They try to develop the leadership skills and skills for their female workforce who gives strong business results and as well as gender equality.(Joseph., 2014) Managing Cultural Diversity in Workplace: Managers are aware that for creating a successful and the creative workforce a certain skill is very important. Firstly they must understand the consequences of discrimination and then they must recognize all the prejudices and the biases.(Flagg, 2002) Diversity is related to difference among individuals not the differences in the individuals. Everyone is unique and have their own specialty for a particular group. For the successful future organizations and the managers must learn how to manage the diversity in the workplace. For success there is no single recipe and manager is the best person who can understand the best for the organization for its success a better team work is required at the workplace.(Allen, 2003) A workplace that includes everything is very complex as everyone has its own ideas and the working capability. Hence organizations should focus on to develop, maintain and implement the training sessions so that people may not change the behavior and understand the equa lity among themselves being from the diverse culture.(Eastman D. , 2001). When an organization or a manager address issues that are related to an organization are all addressed that gives positive impact and make the employee comfortable so that they he may not hesitate while giving suggestions and in their involvement with it diversity gives benefits to an organization. Organizations should think twice and try to remove the notions which has been pre conceived and they should wisely invest a specified amount for the betterment of the company and they should create a proper strategy and implement it in the department and functions of the organization. Conclusion: Cultural Diversity is common these days in the era of globalization and to understand it become very important for any of the organization. If company wants to manage leadership along with the company policies then they have to be associated with the Cultural diversity(Limaye, 2001). Managing diverse culture is very important as if not done well then could bring down the financial status of the company and managing cultural diversity is the primary responsibility of a manager. In an organization one should believe that all cultures are equal and they all together can make a dedicated and a motivated workforce which could help in turning companys liability into benefits or assets. (Fine, 2003). To manage peoples perceptions and attitudes is very challenging. Diverse workforce reflects the changed world and the market place. Diverse work teams respects the difference related to individual by increasing work productivity and brings high value to the organization. In the globalized marke t there are many companies who has built their team with diverse workforce and adapt diverse culture also. Companies should use educate about the issues, regulations and laws about the diversity.(Enterprise, 2001) Bibliography: Allen, B. (2003). 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