Monday, January 13, 2020
Culture and Identity
BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 29 CHAPTER 2 Culture and Identity BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 30 ContentsKey issues The meaning and importance of culture Dominant culture Subculture Folk culture High culture Mass, popular or low culture The changing distinction between high culture and mass culture Global culture The concept of identity Different types of identity The socialization process Primary socialization Secondary socialization Socialization and the social construction of self and identity Theoretical approaches to the role of socialization in the formation of culture and identity Structural approaches Social action approaches A third way: structuration Social class and identity Social class Life chances Objective and subjective dimensions of class Social class cultures Is social class of declining importance in forming identities? The continuing importance of social class Gender and identity Sex and gender Gender a nd biology The signi? cance of gender as a source of identity Gender stereotypes and hegemonic gender identities in Britain The social construction of hegemonic gender identities through socialization Changing gender identities 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 35 36 Is there a crisis of masculinity? Is gender still an important source of identity? 4 74 38 41 43 44 44 46 46 47 47 50 50 51 51 52 53 59 60 61 61 62 63 63 65 70 Sexuality and identity Gender, sexuality and ‘normal’ sex Changing sexual identities Stigmatized or spoiled sexual identities Gay and lesbian identities A note of caution Ethnicity and identity What is meant by an ethnic identity? Diaspora and globalization Changing ethnic identities: new ethnicities and hybrid ethnic identities Ethnicity as resistance Ethnic identities in Britain Nationality and identity What is nationality? Nationality as a source of identity What is meant by a British identity? Globalization and declining national identities A British identity crisis?Disability and identity The social construction of disability Disability, socialization and stereotyping Disability as a ‘master identity’ Disability – a stigmatized or spoiled identity: an identity of exclusion Age and identity The social construction of age Age groups and identity Leisure, consumption and identity Postmodernism and identity The creation of identity in a media-saturated society How much free choice is there in choosing identities and lifestyle? Conclusion on leisure, consumption and identity Chapter summary Key terms Exam question 76 76 76 77 77 78 79 79 80 81 82 82 87 87 88 88 91 92 93 93 94 95 95 96 96 97 100 100 101 103 109 110 111 112 BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 31 CHAPTER 2 Culture and Identity K EY I SS U ES ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The meaning and importance of culture The concept of identity The socialization process Socialization and the social construction of self and identity Theoretical approac hes to the role of socialization in the formation of culture and identity Social class and identity Gender and identity Sexuality and identity Ethnicity and identity Nationality and identity Disability and identity Age and identity Leisure, consumption and identity The meaning and importance of culture The term ‘culture’ refers to the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, dress, diet, roles, knowledge and skills, and all the other things that people learn that make up the ‘way of life’ of any society. Culture is passed on from one generation to the next through the process of socialization. Although there are many aspects of everyday life which are shared by most members of society, there are di? erent conceptions and de? nitions of culture within this general approach. These are discussed below.The dominant culture of a society refers to the main culture in a society, which is shared, or at least accepted without opposition, by the majority of peop le. Dominant culture The dominant culture of a society refers to the main culture in a society, which is shared, or at least accepted without opposition, by the majority of 31 BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 32 32 | Culture and Identity people. For example, it might be argued that the main features of British culture include it being white, patriarchal and unequal, with those who are white and male having things they regard as worthwhile rated as more important than those who are female or from a minority ethnic group.Similarly, those who are rich and powerful (who are mainly also white and male) are in a position to have their views of what is valuable and worthwhile in a culture regarded as more important, and given higher status, than those of others. Subculture When societies are very small, such as small villages in traditional societies, then all people may share a common culture or way of life. However, as societies become larger and more complica ted, a number of smaller groups may emerge within the larger society, with some di? erences in their beliefs and way of life. Each group having these di? erences is referred to as a subculture. Folk culture Folk culture is the culture created by local communities and is rooted in the experiences, customs and beliefs of the everyday life of ordinary people.It is ‘authentic’ rather than manufactured, as it is actively created by ordinary people themselves. Examples include traditional folk music, folk songs, storytelling and folk dances which are passed on from one generation to the next by socialization and often by direct experience. Folk culture is generally associated with pre-industrial or early industrial societies, though it still lingers on today among enthusiasts in the form of folk music and folk clubs, and the Morris dancing which features in many rural events. A subculture is a smaller culture held by a group of people within the main culture of a society, in some ways different from the main culture but with many aspects in common.Examples of subcultures include those of some young people, gypsies and travellers, gay people, different social classes and minority ethnic groups. Folk culture is the culture created by local communities and is rooted in the experiences, customs and beliefs of the everyday life of ordinary people. High culture High culture is generally seen as being superior to other forms of culture, and refers to aspects of culture that are seen as of lasting artistic or literary value, aimed at small, intellectual elites, predominantly upper-class and middleclass groups, interested in new ideas, critical discussion and analysis and who have what some might regard as ‘good taste’.High culture is seen as something set apart from everyday life, something special to be treated with respect and reverence, involving things of lasting value and part of a heritage which is worth preserving. High culture products are often found in special places, like art galleries, museums, concert halls and theatres. Examples of high culture products include serious news programmes and documentaries, classical music like that of Mozart or High culture refers to cultural products seen to be of lasting artistic or literary value, which are particularly admired and approved of by elites and the upper middle class. An elite is a small group holding great power and privilege in society. BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 33Culture and Identity Morris dancing is an example of traditional folk culture | 33 Mass culture, sometimes called popular culture or low culture, refers to cultural products produced for sale to the mass of ordinary people. These involve massproduced, standardized, short-lived products of no lasting value, which are seen to demand little critical thought, analysis or discussion. Beethoven, the theatre, opera, jazz, foreign language or specialist ‘art’ ? lms , and what has become established literature, such as the work of Charles Dickens, Jane Austen or Shakespeare, and visual art like that of Monet, Gauguin, Picasso or Van Gogh. Mass, popular or low cultureMass culture, sometimes called popular culture or low culture, is generally contrasted with high culture. This refers to everyday culture – simple, BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 34 34 | Culture and Identity Video games are an example of popular culture undemanding, easy-to-understand entertainment, rather than something ‘set apart’ and ‘special’. Mass culture is seen by many as inferior to high culture. Such aspects of culture are a product of industrial societies. They are aimed at the mass of ordinary people, but lack roots in their daily experiences as in folk culture, and are manufactured by businesses for pro? t rather than created by the community itself re? ecting its own experiences of daily life.Popular culture involves mass-produced, standardized and short-lived products, sometimes of trivial content and seen by some as of no lasting ‘artistic’ value, largely concerned with making money for large corporations, especially the mass media. Popular culture might include mass circulation magazines, extensive coverage of celebrities, ‘red top’ tabloid newspapers like the Sun or the Mirror, television soaps and reality TV shows, dramas and thrillers, rock and pop music, video games, blockbuster feature ? lms for the mass market, and thrillers bought for reading on the beach. Such culture is largely seen as passive and unchallenging, often fairly mindless entertainment, aimed at the largest number of people possible.Some Marxists argue that mass culture maintains the ideological hegemony (or the dominance of a set of ideas) and the power of the dominant social class in society. This is because the consumers of mass culture are lulled into an uncritical, undemanding pass ivity, making them less likely to challenge the dominant ideas, groups and interests in society. BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 35 Culture and Identity | 35 The changing distinction between high culture and mass culture Some now argue that the distinction between high culture and mass culture is weakening. Postmodernist writers, in particular, argue that mass markets and consumption now make the distinction between high and popular culture meaningless.There has been a huge expansion of the creative and cultural industries, such as advertising, television, ? lm, music, and book and magazine publishing. This means there is now a huge range of media and cultural products available to all. Technology in industrial societies, such as mass communication technology like the internet, music downloads, cable, satellite and digital television, ? lm and radio, printing for both mass production and personal use in the home, the global reach of modern mass media tec hnology, the mass production of goods on a world scale and easier international transportation, make all forms of culture freely available to everyone.Such technology enables original music and art and other cultural products to be consumed by the mass of people in their own homes without visiting specialized institutions like theatres or art galleries. High culture is no longer simply the preserve of cultural elites. People now have a wider diversity of cultural choices and products available to them than ever before in history, and can ‘pick and mix’ from either popular or high culture. High culture art galleries, like Tate Modern in London, are now attracting very large numbers of visitors, from very diverse backgrounds. Live opera is now available to the masses, through popular ? gures like the OperaBabes, or concerts in the park.Strinati (1995) argues that elements of high culture have now become a part of popular culture, and elements of popular culture have been incorporated into high culture, and that there is therefore no longer any real distinction between high and popular culture, and it is ever more di? cult for any one set of ideas of what is worthwhile culture to dominate in society. For example, artist Andy Warhol painted thirty pictures of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa in di? erent colours, arguing that ‘thirty was better than one’, turning high culture art into popular culture. Although Warhol’s work has been marketed to millions through postcards and posters, at the same time it is widely admired by the supporters of high culture.In 2007 there was some controversy in Britain when the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, generally seen as an institution of high culture, held ‘Kylie: The Exhibition’ – an exhibition of costumes, album covers, accessories, photos and videos from the career of the then 38-year-old pop singer Kylie Minogue. This drew widespread accusations from critics th at high culture was being ‘dumbed down’. High culture art forms are themselves increasingly being turned into products for sale in the mass market for consumption by the mass of BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 36 36 | Culture and Identity ordinary people, and there is no longer anything special about art, as it is incorporated into daily life. Technology now means mass audiences can see and study high culture products, such as paintings by artists like Van Gogh, on the internet or TV, and have their own framed print hanging on their sitting-room wall.The originals may still only be on show in art galleries and museums, but copies are available to everyone. High culture art like the Mona Lisa or Van Gogh’s Sun? owers are now reproduced on everything from socks and t-shirts to chocolates and can lids, mugs, mouse mats, tablemats, jigsaws and posters. (Visit or for some bizarre images and uses of the Mona Lisa. ) Classical music is used as a marketing tune by advertisers, and literature is turned into TV series and major mass movies, such as Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Global culture Global culture refers to the way globalization has undermined national and local cultures, with cultural products and ways of life in di? erent countries of the world becoming more alike.The same cultural and consumer products are now sold across the world, inspired by media advertising and a shared mass culture spread through a media-generated culture industry, and they have become part of the ways of life of many di? erent societies. For example, television companies sell their programmes and programme formats like Big Brother and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? globally. Companies like McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Vodaphone, Starbucks, Nescafe, Sony and Nike are now symbols that are recognized across the world, along with the consumer lifestyles and culture associated with them. As Ritzer (2004) shows, using the exampl e of the American food industry, companies and brands now operate on a global scale.For example, McDonald’s is a worldwide business, with 26,500 restaurants in more than 119 countries (in 2007), Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken operate in 100 countries, and Subway in 72 countries, with Starbucks growing at a colossal speed. It is now possible to buy an identical food product practically anywhere in the world, promoting a global culture and also weakening local cultures, as local food outlets close in the face of competition and local diets change. Combined with global marketing of ? lms, music, computer games, food and clothes, football and other consumer products, these have made cultures across the world increasingly similar, with people watching the same TV programmes and ? lms, eating the same foods, wearing the same designer clothes and labels, and sharing many aspects of their lifestyles and identities.Global culture refers to the way cultures in different countries of the world have become more alike, sharing increasingly similar consumer products and ways of life. This has arisen as globalization has undermined national and local cultures. Globalization is the growing interdependence of societies across the world, with the spread of the same culture, consumer goods and economic interests across the globe. BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 37 The Mona Lisa †¦ Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, c. 1503–1507, oil on poplar, The Louvre, Paris †¦ now has a spliff to relax and a mobile to keep in touch Mona Stoner, c. 2006, posted on internet: Fine art is now available on cubes to play with Source: The Mona Lisa is transformed into a window blindIn what ways do these pictures illustrate the erosion of the distinction between high culture and popular culture? Try to think of other examples of this BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 26/3/08 10:47 Page 38 38 | Culture and Identity Activity 1 Refer to the pictures on this page, and explain in what ways they illustrate global culture. Try to think of other consumer products that are also global. 2 In what ways do you think consuming these products also involves lifestyle choices? For example, what’s the difference between having a coffee in Starbucks and in the local cafe (apart from the coffee itself)? Explain what lifestyle you think is identi? ed with your selected products. Identify and explain, with examples, three differences between high culture, mass culture and folk culture. 4 Identify and explain three reasons why the distinction between high culture and popular culture might be weakening. Globalization means that many of the same product brands are now found in many countries of the world. The concept of identity Identity is about how individuals or groups see and de? ne themselves, and how other individuals or groups see and de? ne them. Identity is formed through the socialization process and the in? uence of social institutions like the family, the education system and the mass media. The concept of identity is an important one, as it is only through establishing our own identities and earning about the identities of other individuals and groups that we come to know what makes us similar to some people and di? erent from others, and therefore form social connections with them. How you see yourself will in? uence the friends you have, who you will marry or live with, and the communities and groups to which you relate and belong. If people did not have an identity, they would lack the means of identifying with or relating to their peer group, to their neighbours, to the communities BROWNE CH 1–4 (M1203). qxp:John Q7 3/4/08 15:49 Page 39 Culture and Identity | 39 in which they lived or to the people they came across in their everyday lives. Identity therefore ‘? ts’ individuals into the society in which they live.The identity of individuals and groups involves both e lements of personal choice and the responses and attitudes of others. Individuals are not free to adopt any identity they like, and factors like their social class, their ethnic group and their sex are likely to in? uence how others see them. The identity that an individual wants to assert and which they may wish others to see them having may not be the one that others accept or recognize. An Asian woman, for example, may not wish to be identi? ed primarily as an Asian or a woman, but as a senior manager or entertainer. However, if others still ‘Look, don’t identify me by the size and shape of my body, my social class, y job, my gender, my ethnicity, my sexuality, my nationality, my age, my religion, my education, my friends, my lifestyle, how much money I earn, the clothes I wear, the books I read, where I go shopping, the way I decorate my house, the television programmes and movies I watch, my leisure and sports activities, the car I drive, the music I listen to, the drinks I like, the food I eat, the clubs I go to, where I go on holiday, the way I speak or my accent, the things I say, the things I do, or what I believe in. I’m just me. OK? ’ continue to see her primarily in terms of her ethnic and gender characteristics, she may ? nd it di? cult to assert her chosen identity. Similarly, the pensioner who sees him or herself as ‘young at heart’ may still be regarded as an old person by others.Individuals have multiple identities, asserting di? erent identities in di? erent circumstances. An individual may, for example, de? ne herself primarily as a Muslim in her family or community, as a manager at her work, as a lesbian in her sexual life, or as a designer-drug-user in her peer group. While the example of the Muslim, lesbian, drug-taking manager might seem a somewhat unlikely mix of identities, it does suggest that it is possible for people to assert di? erent identities or impressions of themselves in di? erent soci al situations. Identities may also change over time. For example, as people grow older they may begin to see themselves as di? erent from when they were younger,
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